in Melbourne, Australia

in Plaisance, Mauritius

Parliament of

Government of

Jelica Dabic,
North Melbourne, Victoria

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Madeleine &
Clancy Philippe

Copyright © Clancy J Philippe |
Serbian Filled Peppers

Jelica Dabic, North Melbourne, Victoria
n 6-8 red peppers
n 400g beef or pork mince
n 1 cup of rice
n 2 carrots
n 2 onions
n 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
n 2 teaspoons salt |
n ½ cup of olive oil
n 2-3 potatoes
n 2 tablespoons plain flour
n 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
n 1 teaspoon vegetable or dehydrated green herb stock
Cut tops off peppers and remove seeds. Wash peppers to prepare for filling. |
- Fry chopped onions and grated carrots in olive oil at medium to high temperature. Stir constantly.
- After 2-3 minutes add mince and salt and continue to fry it for another 4-5 minutes.
- Take it off heat and add rice, plain flour, sweet paprika and dehydrated vegetable or green herb stock.
- Stir the mixture. Spoon filling into the peppers. Cover the top of each pepper with a slice of potato. Place peppers in a dish.
- Place remaining potatoes put between peppers.
- Pour water until peppers are covered. Boil at low temperature for 40-45minutes.
- Sprinkle chopped parsley on the top. Serve hot.
We gratefully acknowledge this contribution from Jelica and Tom Dabic of North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. |
{Index of Recipes from Australia} |