in Melbourne, Australia

in Plaisance, Mauritius

Parliament of

Government of

The Grange Restaurant,
Hilton Adelaide, South Australia

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Madeleine &
Clancy Philippe

Copyright © Clancy J Philippe |
Banana Leaf Glutinous Rice Sushi
of The Four Dances of The Sea

The Grange Restaurant, Hilton Adelaide, South Australia
Ingredients for Banana Leaf Glutinous Rice Sushi:

Chef Cheong Liew,

The Grange Restaurant,
Hilton Adelaide, South Australia
Steam glutinous rice with 20ml of oil and salt for 15-20 minutes.
Mix in coconut cream with the cooked rice until it’s nicely moist.
Toast banana leaf with a hot iron or a frying pan. Trim off the hard stems and hard edges.
Put cooked rice on the banana leaf and roll it into a sushi log. Approx. 3-4 cm in diameter. Then wrap the whole rice sushi in aluminium foil and chargrill the sushi about 3-4 minutes to each side, cook for about 15 minutes.
When unwrapped, the edges of the rice sushi should be slightly brown toasted with astonishing fragrance of smoked banana leaf.
Cut sushi into 4cm log and spoon spiced on top of the sushi.
Arrange a small bite size portion of each item on the plate and serve. Keep in mind, the portion size and space on the plate to achieve a clean, smart presentation.
We gratefully acknowledge this contribution from Kylie Vaughton of Adelaide Hilton, Adelaide, South Australia. |
{Index of Recipes from Australia} |