in Melbourne, Australia

in Plaisance, Mauritius

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Australian Gourmet Pages

Chef Franz Scheurer

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Madeleine &
Clancy Philippe

Copyright © Clancy J Philippe |
Southern Ocean Pearls
Dish inspired by Neil Perry

Franz Scheurer of Australian Gourmet Pages |

Bear onValkyrie
Celeriac puree
30 ml olive oil
1 tbs rendered pork fat
50g unsalted butter
½ small onion
1 clove garlic, minced
sea salt and freshly ground white pepper
1 celeriac, thoroughly peeled and chopped into small pieces
200ml fresh chicken stock
juice of 1 lemon
120ml extra virgin olive oil
Prawn custard
Method (Part 1 of 2):
Spinach and Parsley Oil:
Steam the spinach leaves and the parsley for a few of minutes over rapid boiling water. Squeeze out any excess water, place in a container and purée. Add the salt, pepper and olive oil, and purée until very smooth. Leave to infuse
for 1 hour and pour through a few layers of muslin. Squeeze out all the oil and discard the solids. Strain the oil through a fine sieve and store at room temperature until ready to use.
Prawn Stock:
Place a heavy-based pot on the stove and heat the olive oil until very hot. Add the shells and stir for 5 minutes until coloured. Add the onion, carrot, garlic and leek and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the whisky and reduce
until it almost disappears. Add the port and reduce, then the white wine and reduce until almost gone. Pour in the chicken stock and add the tomatoes and herbs. Lower the heat and don’t allow the stock to boil again. Cook for 20 minutes. Put through a food mill and then through a chinois lined with muslin cloth.
We gratefully acknowledge this contribution from Franz Scheurer of Australian Gourmet Pages. |
{Index of Recipes from Australia} |