in Melbourne, Australia

in Plaisance, Mauritius

Parliament of

Government of

PS Murray Princess,
Mannum, SA 5238,

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Madeleine &
Clancy Philippe

Copyright © Clancy J Philippe |
Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon
with a crisp lime mayonnaise

PS Murray Princess, Mannum, South Australia
Ingredients (Serve 2):

Matthew Lewis (Chef) & Tim Higgs
(Assistant Chef) on the PS Murray Princess
- Place egg yolks and vinegar in a mixing bowl. Squeeze the lemons and limes and add juice to the egg yolks and vinegar. Whisk together and slowly add the olive oil. While whisking the mixture, gradually add the salt and pepper to taste.
- Pan fry the salmon with a little olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Sear both sides and place in 200 degrees Celsius oven for 3 minutes.
- Blanch the asparagus boiling salty water and arrange on plate with the salmon steaks. Serve with the mayonnaise and decorate with slivers of red and green capsicum.
We gratefully acknowledge this contribution from Matthew Lewis and Tim Higgs of the PS Murray Princess on the Murray River in South Australia. |
{Index of Recipes from Australia} |