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The Grange Restaurant,
Hilton Adelaide, South Australia

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Madeleine &
Clancy Philippe

Copyright © Clancy J Philippe |
Spiced Prawn Sushi of
The Four Dances of the Sea

The Grange Restaurant, Hilton Adelaide, South Australia
Ingredients for
Spiced Prawn Sushi:
Rempah Mixture
20 gm fresh gallingal, finely grated
10 gm fresh turmeric, finely grated
6 whole candlenut, finely grated
1 whole red chilli, pound to a paste
6-10 shallots, finely chopped
3 cloves, finely chopped
15 gm fresh ginger, finely grated
15 gm blachan (lightly roasted) in aluminium foil

Chef Cheong Liew,

The Grange Restaurant,
Hilton Adelaide, South Australia
- Cut prawns into halves length-wise, sprinkle with salt and sugar and finely grated lime zest – set aside.
Put all the rempah ingredients into a blender and blend to a smooth paste.
In a wok, heat up peanut oil, add in the rempah mixture and coconut cream and stir-fry the mixture on lower than medium heat, very slowly stirring constantly until half the oil starts to separate from the solid.
Add in prawns, tamarind juice and palm sugar and cook until the prawns are cooked.
Can also be accompanied with the Banana Leaf Glutinous Rice Sushi
Arrange a small bite size portion of each item on the plate and serve. Keep in mind, the portion size and space on the plate to achieve a clean, smart presentation.
We gratefully acknowledge this contribution from Kylie Vaughton of Adelaide Hilton, Adelaide, South Australia. |
{Index of Recipes from Australia} |